euromeet Katrineholm 2003
Start|On tour|Program|Accomodation|Map|Register|List registrations
Once in a life time agenda:
29/5Thursday15.00 - 19.00Registration
20.00 - 0?.00Get toghether party
30/5Friday05.00 - 08.00Wildlife safari
10.00 - 12.00Euromeeting/Ladies program
13.00 - 17.00Homeparty
19.00 - 0?.0070's party - prepare Your show!
31/5Saturday10.00 - 16.00Manhood experience/Ladies program
19.00 - 0?.00Gala evening
1/6Sunday10.00 - 12.00Farewell brunch

Contact with any questions
Get to know the members of RT28 Katrineholm at our main site