euromeet Katrineholm 2003
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RT28 Katrineholm
RT128 Helsingborg
RT28 Harburg
RT128 Leusden
RT28 Tilburg
RT28 Zug
RT28 Ferrara
RT28 Zell am See
RT28 Roskilde
RT28 Sarpsborg

Not yet part of the story:
RT28 Rovaniemi
RT28 Amager
RT28 Hof
RT28 Selestat
As the sun were evolving, fresh and newborne on this sacred day, the two bald proud knights of the Round Table began their escapade, their pan European journey. In away, in the light of the ancient legends surrounding King Arthur and his glorius Knights of the Round Table, one can imagine the efforts during the quest and one can see the struggle during the search of the holy graal.

In the light of what we've experienced during our escapade, I think we've actually found the holy graal. I now know the soul of the holy graal, I now know the true essence of "tabling".

I think the heart and soul of the holy graal, of the Round Table is the brotherhood, the hospitality and all the things that Stefan and I have experienced, all things we've been given throughout Europe.

That is the spirit of King Arthur, that is the spirit of Louis Marchesi and that is the soul of the Round Table.

How we got this wild and crazy idea to do a "Thelma & Louise" roadtrip troughout Europe in our mind in the first place is written in the stars. But one thing is for sure, is there a way to avoid the Swedish winter well let's grab on to it and get the hell out of it!

So we actually did get up and away from our boring companies, and we actually did decorate the car, printed invitation teasers, prepared and planned. We actually really "rootin' tootin' son of a groovy, gravy gun did it! Up and away Silver!!!" We promised each other to not party during the forcoming weekend. We promised our selves to rest our weary souls and save our bodies to the great journey.

Well I was attending the Nordic Tablers Meeting in Tallin, Estonia, and Stefan was checking out all the pub's and the Swedish Stadshotell just the night before the start of our odyssé over the great plains of Europe.

So there we were, two pale, tired and sleepy Knight's of the Table, leaving Katrineholm that misty, grey Monday morning, regretting all the beers, banning all the Gin and tonics inhaled the weekend before.

But as We parked the car outside the Swedish Metrological Institute in Norrköping, attending a lunch with two of our brothers in the table, the spirits of life were once again returning to our bodies and we were ready to set out over the wastelands of Europe!

The first stop were to be Helsingborg, just click the city on the map for the unwrapping of this adventure, read our fairy tale Read the Tale of the Holy Graal.

Contact with any questions
Get to know the members of RT28 Katrineholm at our main site