euromeet Katrineholm 2003
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RT28 Katrineholm
RT128 Helsingborg
RT28 Harburg
RT128 Leusden
RT28 Tilburg
RT28 Zug
RT28 Ferrara
RT28 Zell am See
RT28 Roskilde
RT28 Sarpsborg

Not yet part of the story:
RT28 Rovaniemi
RT28 Amager
RT28 Hof
RT28 Selestat
As the morning slowly began to give the grey shades of southern Germermia some colour and some life. The two nights of the round Table continued their endless escapade, south always south. Der Autobahn was the straight line we followed, well Stefan was following it. I was sleepy and had a hangover! We had some coffee and some germermian sandwiches on the way. We passed Strassbourg in the early morning, somewere on the other side of the border were the french tablers of Zelestadt napping under their winebottles, speaking french in their sleep! Its a pity we did'nt manage to make arrangement with them. It would have been just the right place to stay, now we had to continue down south to Switzerland instead.

In the bordercontrol we had some minor problems, Well, we did'nt have any problems The borderman, we call him Mr Pinochet, had problems with Us. He wanted to now where all the polo-shirts were to be delivered. Stefan, that darn ol' germerian speaking sun of a gun started to explain in his homemade Germermian that it was for private use, nothing else. Mr Pinochet did not believe Us. After a while he wanted the fee for the Swiss autobahn, and with a angry face he told us to go In germermian of course!

The Swiss roads were nice and the fee was well worth. We entered Zug in the light of the Noon sun, tired and worn out we checked in to the hotel that the Zug-tablers had booked for Us. Stefan fell a sleap "emedieatly". (spell it Your self!) I had to watch the end of this days DVD. Full Metal Jacket! (shhh don't tell anyone, but I had to turn the volume up quite a bit, in order to hear the dialogue in the movie Someone was snooring!)

In the Afternoon we were fit for fight again, tonight were to be the mother of all nights!

Showering and washing up, then straight away to the restaurant. We were a bit early. So we sat down and waited, the waiter waited, We waited, and everything was A OKAY! The first Brother of Zug to enter the arena presented him self as Per-Anders, gosh a Swede in Zug! It turned out to be the former chairman of RT 1 Helsingborg Sweden, working abroad and tabling abroad! Quite a suprise thou! The rest of the club arrived and we sat down for dinner, delicious mushroom soup, typical Swiss food and quite a few laughs.

There were some familiar faces for Stefan and me to say HI to! We had a nice evening, we made our presentation, not really a need for it thou, the Zugers ar experienced Eurotablers so they know all about it! A thing that struck my mind is that there were only one genuine Swiss man in the Zug table, and he's a past member! The other guy's are from all over Europe, Germermia, Holland, Denmark and of course Sweden.

There is definitly a touch, a specific sense of pure Holy Graal spirit in Zug, that's for shure. Stefan and I went to bed with smiles in our faces. Nice evening and nice company, thanks a lot Zug for a nice stay

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