euromeet Katrineholm 2003
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RT28 Katrineholm
RT128 Helsingborg
RT28 Harburg
RT128 Leusden
RT28 Tilburg
RT28 Zug
RT28 Ferrara
RT28 Zell am See
RT28 Roskilde
RT28 Sarpsborg

Not yet part of the story:
RT28 Rovaniemi
RT28 Amager
RT28 Hof
RT28 Selestat
We went south in Holland, south of the great rivers, were people say Maastrihhhht, rather that Maastricht! Who are they what do they look like?! Well we went there to find out. Somewhere north of Tilburg there were a village called Ostervijk. That was the place to be this Monday night! And as always, We arrived just in time. ( The secret lies in the fine art of lurking a few blocks away, waiting for the clock to turn 9 Sometimes it takes up to half an hour! ) We entered the home of a tabler in Tilburg. It was quite a large house for Dutch standards, or quite normal by Swedish traditions. We had quite a surrealistic experience down here, south of the great river's Imagine not understanding a word of their language, imagine sitting in the sofa in someone's home way off in Europe, miles from Sweden But I have to say, Table meeting's are quite the same where ever You go. The chairman calls for order, the brothers of the table could'nt care less! A resigned smile from their chairman said it all: we are all the same!

In Tilburg they have two ways of having their meeting's: Late meetings and Early meetings. This was a late meeting. It started at 9 O'clock and when Stefan and I leaved for Switzerland way after midnight, they were still partying the night away.

One of their members had His "Ego" meeting. He talked about His family and His occupation. We had "Schrobbels" a local spirit/schnaps. *pheeu* they were nice!

We were guests of honour, and we really felt like honoured guest's they took good care of us and we had a wonderful night. We made Our presentation, and I think we can expect some Tilburger's in Katrineholm 2003. I really hope so! Stefan was easy on the booze this night while I were hard on it! As always! The reason where that we planned to get down to Zug Switzerland during the night.

Stefan was navigating south through Germermia under the cold twinkeling stars this chilly European night. The eveningstar blossomed under the black skies of Ruhr I was sleeping in the backseat. A few stops along the way, My head was ready to leave My body many times this drunken night in the backseat of the Volvo. But as we travelled through Germermia on the Autobahn I slowly reentered reality and started to sober up again

Tilburg was a great experience and I would like to thank them again for a wonderful night and great hospitality! "Holy Graal-quality"

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